JELLICE【English version】

著者Kenichi Inai

価格 2200円(税込)

四六判 並製 160頁 本文1色 

2022年6月9日 ISBN978-4-434-30407-1


Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake!
True story of Jellice that demonstrated its resilience after a massive earthquake by leveraging good fortune, business connections and favors

— What Jellice, a gelatin manufacturer with 177 years of history and a pioneer of
household-use gelatin powder, has been done and will continue to do —
Gelatin powder product “Jellice” is loved by all generations.
In Japan, the product name Jellice is well known, but few people know about the company Jellice that manufactures the product.
Jellice Co., Ltd. is a long-established gelatin manufacturer with a miraculous history of 117 years.
Having headquarters in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, the company suffered tremendous damage and significant decline in revenue following the Great East Japan Earthquake.
However, seven year later, the company miraculously recovered and achieved the highest recurring profit in its history.
Jellice also contributes to the local community centering on Miyagi Prefecture, to which they are the closest, through CSR activities.
For example, the company gives special science lectures at local elementary schools and develops new specialty products for Miyagi Prefecture in collaboration with the local government and other companies.
In this way, the company is proud of being able to promote the well-being of people.
This book highlights their history of being in love with and growing along with gelatin, and the miracle of their recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Through this book, you will learn about the unshakable commitment and future vision of Jellice toward breakthroughs,
with the passion for manufacturing (monozukuri) that the company has had from the early 1900s to the present day.
[Table of Contents]
Chapter 1: Jellice Builds the 21st Century, and the Human Body
Chapter 2: Jellice, Nurtured by the Blessings of the Sea and the Land of Miyagi
Part I: From foundation to World War II
Part II: Growth and Development after World War II
Chapter 3: Supported by People, Thus Jellice Exists
Chapter 4: Future of Health, Healthcare and Environment Envisioned by Jellice
Gelatin Q&A

「ゼライス」のことは知っていても、ゼライスを製造する「ゼライス社」のことは、 よく知らないという方もいらっしゃるかもしれません。
宮城県に本社を置き、東日本大震災で甚大な被害を受け大幅減収したものの、 7年後には奇跡の「レ」字型回復で創業以来最高の経常利益を達成しています。
地域の小学校へ理科の実験授業を出前したり、 地元自治体や企業と連携して宮城県ならではの商品をつくり出したりするなど、愛する宮城の地を中心に社会貢献活動を続け、 「すべての人々の幸せづくりに貢献する」ことを誇りにしている会社なのです。
江戸時代から続く「モノ作りのこだわり」を礎に躍進し続けるゼラチンメーカーの、 揺るぎない覚悟と見据える未来を、知ることができる一冊です。
第1章 21世紀と人の体をつくるゼライス
第2章 宮城の海と土地の恵みに育まれたゼライス
その1 創業から太平洋戦争まで
その2 戦後の成長と発展の軌跡
第3章 人に支えられてゼライスの「今」がある
第4章 ゼライスが見据える、健康、医療、環境の未来

Kenichi Inai

Born in 1964 in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan.
After earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Keio University,
Kenichi joined Tokyo Gas in 1987 and built his career at the Asakusa Branch
Office and Tokyohigashi Service Branch working in the gas service field.
In 1991, he left Tokyo Gas and was involved in the launch of Shiogama Cable TV (present-day, Miyagi Cable TV).
Since then, he has occupied prominent positions in the Inai Group: President of Inai Zenpachi Shoten (present-day, Inai Corporation) in 2003,
President of Miyagi Chemical Industrial (present-day, Jellice) in 2005, President of Shiogama Gas in 2008,
and President of Miyagi Cable TV in 2010. Although Jellice suffered a significant decrease in profit due to the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011,
he contributed to the company’s miraculous recovery by 2018, when it recorded its largest recurring profit. He enjoys reading and golf.
1991年に同社を退職した後は、塩釜ケーブルテレビ(現宮城ケーブルテレビ(株))立ち上げに携わったのを皮切りに、 稲井善八商店(現株式会社稲井)社長、宮城化学工業株式会社(現ゼライス株式会社)社長、塩釜ガス株式会社社長、宮城ケーブルテレビ株式会社社長に就任。



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